Cattle Care

Did you know farmers use custom ear muffs to protect calves from the cold?

If we retrospect our childhood we can see our grandmother knitting us woollen clothes to keep us warm from cold weather. Turns out we are not the only one, farmers do the same for their precious animals.

Farmers do whatever is in their power to shield their animals from the frost. What is more, barn muffs made to size are applied by the farmers for calves to keep them warm in cold seasons.

As calf ear warmers, these have been tailor made to provide extra protection and warmth required by the calves.

The little accessories are not just functional but they also come in multiple shapes and colours, so it becomes the cutest Add-on for the animals.

There are numerous Disneyland stuffed animals that one can find online, say, like “Moo Muffs”, which are perfect not only for baby calves, but even for the calves in adult cows.

Calves need to stay warm throughout the cold season, and we achieve this for them by enabling their mothers or their caretakers to buy high quality and comfortable animal-wear items that are either handmade or customized.

Consequently, some firms do provide several heading styles such as your choice that can enable you to have your personal company name printed on those ear-muffs thereby making them a customized accessory.

Fundamentally, the use of fitted ear muffs for calves depicts the caring level of the farmers to their cows’ well-being and, in reassurance, the tiniest of members of their herd are also protected from harsh weather conditions. It is a pure joy to see our farms displaying this commitment to animal rights among the agricultural community.

For more Information check out ore website: Delmer Group

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